ECOROCK-2000: A Lightweight Wastewater Treatment Solution for Coastal Development in Mahia Peninsula

ECOROCK-2000: A Lightweight Wastewater Treatment Solution for Coastal Development in Mahia Peninsula

The structure and environmental context: 

On 22nd June 2022, a client based in Mahia Peninsula, Hawkes Bay, approached us for a wastewater treatment system that was capable of functioning in a high water table area along the coast. The client had previously bought one of our BIOROCK systems and was impressed by its efficiency in treating wastewater. For his new developments, he wanted to install a similar system that could provide effortless installation with minimal maintenance without compromising on effectiveness.

The problem:

The challenge for us was to find a wastewater treatment plant that was both lightweight and convenient for installation in a high water table area along the coast. The client was adamant that he did not want a traditional concrete system as it would be cumbersome and would not fit with his desired aesthetic. Additionally, our system had to meet the council's regulations for wastewater treatment for compliance purposes.

The solution: 

After conducting thorough research, we recommended that the client install the ECOROCK-2000 treatment plant. This system weighs significantly less than traditional concrete systems and can be installed efficiently in high water table areas. Its advanced design allows for easy installation, requiring only basic tie-down equipment and connection straps. The plug-and-play feature of this treatment plant minimizes initial installation time, making it a highly attractive option for developments along the coast.

The results:

The installation of the first ECOROCK-2000 treatment plant went seamlessly with the help of a local drain layer. The client was impressed with the level of treatment the system provided, as it met the council's regulations for wastewater treatment. As a result, he purchased two more systems for his other developments along the coast. The client has since reported that our products are extremely efficient in treating wastewater and require minimal maintenance. He is highly satisfied with the level of customer service provided and has recommended our products to other developers in the area.

In conclusion, our ECOROCK-2000 treatment plant was the perfect solution for this project, fitting the client's brief for an easy to install, lightweight, low-maintenance system that meets the council's wastewater treatment regulations. Its successful installation and efficient functioning have resulted in satisfied customers and a positive reputation in the Hawkes Bay development industry.

The pictures were taken on the construction site:

Are you planning to build or renovate and need to update your septic system? Our team will be delighted to help you!